Testing the new ‘pay secrecy’ provisions

A matter before the Federal Circuit Court is set to test the provisions that prohibit pay secrecy. The applicant in the case was employed as a casual sales assistant in a Melbourne bookshop. The applicant has claimed her former employer stopped giving her shifts and dismissed […]

2023-12-12T12:11:34+10:3011 July 2023|Legal Alert|

Annual Wage Review

On 2 June 2023, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission handed down its annual wage decision, which is a yearly review of the National Minimum Wage order and minimum wages in modern awards. The Commission held that rates of pay under all modern awards […]

2023-12-12T12:12:17+10:302 June 2023|Legal Alert|

Reminder: Prohibiting Pay Secrecy

As outlined in our 29 November 2022 and 9 December 2022 Legal Alerts, changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) introduced prohibitions regarding pay secrecy clauses, and created new workplace rights to allow employees to disclose their remuneration and other conditions. Further significant changes concerning this right come into effect from 7 June 2023. […]

2023-12-12T12:17:17+10:3026 May 2023|Legal Alert|

Proposed Changes To The Professional Employees Award 2020

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has proposed changes to the Professional Employees Award 2020 (Award). The proposed changes impose new obligations on employers to pay ‘overtime’ and penalty rates to employees, clarifies the coverage of the Award and imposes record-keeping obligations in respect of hours worked. Award Coverage  Currently, the […]

2023-12-12T12:15:35+10:3029 March 2023|Legal Alert|
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