Our new world of work: the right to disconnect

As employers continue to grapple with significant but piecemeal amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act), further changes were passed by Parliament yesterday. This article considers the broadest and arguably most controversial of the changes – the right for employees to disconnect from work. In time,

2024-02-09T05:43:30+10:309 February 2024|Legal Alert|

Proposed Portable Long Service Leave Scheme for the Community Services Sector

The South Australian Government has released the Portable Long Service Leave Bill 2024 for consultation. The intention expressed by the Government is to legislate to ensure that relevant employers contribute long service leave payments to a portable industry fund in respect of designated workers.  The Bill, if passed,

2024-02-08T00:00:21+10:307 February 2024|Legal Alert, Long Service Leave Entitlements|

Final reminder – important changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) take effect next week (6 and 7 December 2023)

Employers are reminded of the upcoming changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) in respect of the use of fixed-term contracts (effective 6 December 2023) and the sunsetting of ‘zombie’ agreements (effective 7 December 2023). Fixed-term contracts From 6 December 2023, unless an exception applies (refer

2023-11-30T03:16:46+10:3030 November 2023|Legal Alert|

Bill introduced to ‘close the loopholes’

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has officially tabled the “Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023” which proposes to amend legislation including the Fair Work Act (FW Act) 2009. If passed in its current form, what has been proposed has the potential for significant and far-reaching impact […]

2023-12-12T12:09:05+10:306 September 2023|Legal Alert|

Testing the new ‘pay secrecy’ provisions

A matter before the Federal Circuit Court is set to test the provisions that prohibit pay secrecy. The applicant in the case was employed as a casual sales assistant in a Melbourne bookshop. The applicant has claimed her former employer stopped giving her shifts and dismissed […]

2023-12-12T12:11:34+10:3011 July 2023|Legal Alert|
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