New Vaccine Mandates for South Australia

9 November 2021

COVID-19 vaccines will now be mandatory for those working in chiropractic therapy, osteopathy, disability support and in-home care, after two new directions were issued by the Commissioner of Police yesterday.

Chiropractors and Osteotherapists will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (or be booked in for their second dose) by 6 December 2021. This includes professionals who are performing services outside of a typical healthcare setting (i.e. at home or a sports club).
In-home and community aged care and disability support workers who work for or on behalf of a service provider must be vaccinated against COVID-19 (or be booked in for their second dose) by 30 November 2021. Service providers are obligated to keep records of the vaccination status of any person engaged to perform these duties.

As with previous vaccination mandates, employees may attain a medical exemption from a qualified medical practitioner if they are unable to be vaccinated or must delay being vaccinated. Any medical exemption requires evidence to be provided to the employer.

EMA Legal can assist employers with any enquiries related to vaccination mandates.

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